Access your medical records wherever you go

Health information is scattered throughout many, disconnected systems without simple access. VITALL collects and organizes health information into a single app, giving patients, providers, and caregivers more control.

VITALL Acquires & Manages Medical Records

VITALL Engage™ for

VITALL Engage™ is a monthly recurring membership that includes your complete health record - past, present, and future. With continuous access and ongoing medical record management, so you have instant access to your health information when you need it most.

VITALL Acquire™ for Organizations

Let VITALL handle all the hard work from start to finish. Our team of health informatics experts will request medical records from healthcare sources, run the records through our AI technology and produce medical summaries all in one place. 

VITALL Acquire™ for Individuals

Do you need a past medical record and can’t manage to find it? Is your doctor delaying sending your health records to you or your specialist? Do you want a second opinion on a recent diagnosis? You’re in the right place. Request any record through VITALL, and we will source the records for you so you can download them to your computer or device.


We Provide Health Information For You or Those Your Care For

How it Works

We Make It Easy.


Inform us of your visit. Tell us who or where you visited and we'll take care of the rest.


Acquire your records. Our team will locate, acquire, and organize your health information from your providers and clinics.


Get organized! We'll ensure your information is organized, accurate, and accessible.


Display in VITALL. We will notify you when your information is ready for access in the VITALL application.

See How VITALL Helps Patients With Improved Outcomes On Their Health Journey

February 2, 2023

Digital Apps and Devices to Keep You Digitally Connected to Your Health

January 25, 2023

Breast Cancer: Early Detection Saves Lives

December 14, 2022

VITALL, Telehealth, and Remote Monitoring. How Does it all Fit Together?


See What Our Members Say

"Having VITALL acquire all of my medical records for me has made life significantly easier. All I have to do is let them know the appointments I've been to, and they take care of the rest; VITALL organizes, sorts, and stores all of my information and I can access my files whenever I need to. Managing my symptoms can feel like a full time job, and VITALL's given me the peace of mind in knowing that my health history is ready and accessible, anytime."

"VITALL has made it easy for my wife and I to share notes and records from our son's medical appointments. When his grandmother takes him to specialist appointments, she has access too. We're thankful that VITALL keeps us organized, and that they do the heavy lifting of sorting his health records.

"VITALL has helped my entire family stay organized with my dad's healthcare. With multiple specialist appointments each month, VITALL allows my siblings, my mom, and I (along with all of his doctors) to have immediate and direct access to my father's medical records. We were able to replace the "binder" - if you know, you know - and now everything is accessible right on my smartphone."