Seamless, Fast Record Collection

A complete record acquisition management application to help your organization manage requests for records from start to finish. We navigate all the complexities so that your team can focus on what they do best. Our process is secure and has an industry leading turn-around-time.

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Medical Record Acquisition

VITALL Acquire™ is a complete medical record acquisition service to help organization request records from their healthcare providers. VITALL will work on your behalf with your healthcare provider and retrieve your records as quickly as possible.

Full Service Record Management Solution.

Let VITALL handle all the work from start to finish. Our team of health informatics experts request medical records from healthcare sources, and return the records with speed and accuracy. VITALL integrates easily into your organizations processes and is a pay per use system used to collect thousands of records annually for insurance, legal, individuals, and health management care centres. Book a demonstration with us to see how we can work for you.

Medical Record Summaries

Expedite your processes using custom, automated record summaries that are delivered along with the acquired medical records. VITALL's AI models will structure your records, saving you countless hours, creating efficiencies, and allowing you to focus on other tasks.

Comprehensive medical record summaries  

VITALL will handle the entire process and increase the speed to decision while freeing up your team to spend more time completing other tasks. Start the conversation now and find out how VITALL can help.
  • Quick & highly accurate record structuring
  • Cut down manual review time
  • Can be customized to suit your specific use case